The Adventures of Sebastiaen des Roseaux

wpid-IMG_20140119_145220_373.jpgI have been fighting my armor for quite a while.  It has really been driving me nuts since just before this time last year as well.  I was using clam-shell gauntlets over a year ago and could get good rotation from my arm and wrist, but I was taking some zingers to my hands and knuckles that were causing some long term damage.  For someone who works with his hands for a living, that wasn’t good so I talked with Olin and we cut a demi for my sword arm and put a plastic cup hilt on my sword.  This demi made a little difference but it has been binding on my vambrace.  Rob and I figured that the leather would relax enough to  free it up after a little time, but it never did and it’s been frustrating me.  So we started building a couple of new demis for me as well as a new vambrace.

After making the demis, Matt Sugarbaker (Sir Mattheus Bane) offered to dip them in beeswax.  Here is the final result.  Hopefully I can wear it all at Ursulmas 2014.

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