The Adventures of Sebastiaen des Roseaux

Between life, other hobbies, and work injuries, I have really slacked on my heavy combat training and armor upgrades. The armor upgrades are ongoing and I will share my work in other posts, but I will start a stream of videos documenting my progress so my knight and interested trainers can see what I am struggling with.

With the current shoulder injuries, I am working through PT and haven’t been able to armor up. But I was recently approved to start doing slow work on a pell. I remembered that during recovery from knee surgery about 7 years ago, Olin had me doing slow work. However instead of blindly hitting a post, he had drilled some holes in a piece of wood, strapped it to the post and put #2 pencils into the holes.

The idea is to get put the sword in between the pencils on the pell. This is a slow drill for accuracy I am told. In my case it is also to help slowly build back and repair the muscles for my rotator cuff. Right now I am just trying to keep the shoulders limber and keep moving the sword in addition to attempting to train the accuracy of some of my shots with repitition.

I may not post video of pell work every week (or my practice videos once I am allowed back in armor), but here’s to this first one and a hope for many more.

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