The Adventures of Sebastiaen des Roseaux

My Name is David Hemmer, and I first heard of the Society for Creative Anachronism when I was a freshman in high school.  I didn’t realize at that time what exactly the SCA was, nor that I lived within one of the oldest Baronies of our Kingdom (Three Mountains).  It wasn’t until college in 1993 that I found someone who was actually a member of the SCA, and introduced it to me.

My interests are in nautical lifestyles of the 15th & 16th Century, beer and winemaking, martial arts of the 16th century, music and monastic lifestyles.  I have so many more interests, but my wife tells me that I have too many hobbies.  In the SCA I have made many friends with the same afflictions that I have: the desire to learn new things about our past, and dressing up in clothes of the period.  I once told someone about the SCA, “We party like everyone else, but we do it in hand made clothes styled to a time period that was simpler”.

The fact that I have so many hobbies and crafts that I enjoy has made it difficult for me to track the learning that I have done, and to keep track of the projects that I already have.  This site will also help me to share what I have learned, which for me is the pinnacle of what I do.  To learn new things, and to pass them on to other people with similar interests.

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