The Adventures of Sebastiaen des Roseaux

You can download the full shows for local playback on the links below. I am still trying to figure out how RSS works so until then, just come here to download your what you wish to hear and listen on your favorite player:


  • Women In Music 2023 4/2/2023 time time 4:50:13 265mb
    NOTE: I started the archive late (software doesn’t do it automagically), so I lost maybe the first 10 minutes of the show.
    The request I made of a select group of women in my life was 3 songs by women/female presenting artists. Any genre, no other requirements, and….GO! In addition to some that I threw in, we had over 4 hours of music. The playlist was COMPLETELY randomized, so as to not favor one over the other. I invited Vivien and Mea to join me to talk about some of these incredible women, their art, their lives, and some of the female specific perspectives of music.

Sunday Morning Vinyl
